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About BoomEssays

Several years ago, we decided that there was a need for a professional, ethical academic writing service that put customers first. We spent a while developing a business model and believe we have accomplished our goal. BoomEssays hire only the best writers to be found; we ensure that customers get fully original, customized pieces of writing; and we have guarantees of privacy and satisfaction that ensure our customers get exactly what they want in a safe and secure environment.

About Us

Several years ago, we decided that there was a need for a professional, ethical academic writing service that put customers first. We spent a while developing a business model and believe we have accomplished our goal. BoomEssays hire only the best writers to be found; we ensure that customers get fully original, customized pieces of writing; and we have guarantees of privacy and satisfaction that ensure our customers get exactly what they want in a safe and secure environment.

Our Team

Several years ago, we decided that there was a need for a professional, ethical academic writing service that put customers first. We spent a while developing a business model and believe we have accomplished our goal. BoomEssays hire only the best writers to be found; we ensure that customers get fully original, customized pieces of writing; and we have guarantees of privacy and satisfaction that ensure our customers get exactly what they want in a safe and secure environment.

Our Mission

The mission of BoomEssays to provide academic writing services such as writing, editing, and proofreading to high school and college students, including those who are pursuing advanced degrees. They serve a wide variety of students who live and attend school in a variety of geographic locations.

Social Responsibility

The principles at BoomEssays, along with their employees, vendors, and contractors understand the importance of social responsibility when it comes to education and academia. Because of this, we have established policies and procedures to ensure that nobody is able to fraudulently obtain a degree, certificate, or other document that will allow them to enter a field for which they are not fully qualified.

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